Friday, June 13, 2014

(VIDEO)”50 Shades of Safe” – Planned Parenthood teaches BDSM to teens

What are our teens learning about these days? When you look at how America ranks globally, it sure isn’t STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).  30   106 26 0415
What they are being taught — with your tax dollars — and government approval — will shock you.
Planned Parenthood sex counselors happily promote BDSM and other violent sexual practices to minors, according to an upcoming Live Action investigation as reported by the Daily Caller.
Live Action sent actresses with hidden cameras to clinics in states across the country posing as girls under 18 to ask counselors for sex advice. In the soon-to-be released series of videos, Live Action documented counselors encouraging girls as young as fifteen to use whips, handcuffs, gags, bondage, dominatrix-play and even asphyxiation — deprivation of oxygen — during sex.
And I can hear it now, West you are attacking an organization that promotes women’s health — yep, bondage is a healthy choice for women for the liberal progressive left.
The trailer also shows counselors advising these girls that pain and injury during sex is acceptable and normal. “I wouldn’t say ‘abuse’ because it’s consensual,” one counselor tells an actress posing as a 15 year old. “Patients will sometimes come in with rope burns, or, um, markings on their breasts from, like, clamps. OK? And again, if it’s consensual, it’s OK…” Over two years ago, Planned Parenthood produced a video promoting these practices to teens, though public outcry led them to insist that the videos were intended only for adult viewing. 
In fact, even this trailer below is as well.
Counselors are seen telling the girls both to allow themselves to be hit, whipped, spanked, handcuffed, and tied up, and to do the same to their sexual partners. They also explain that “blood” or “welts across the back” can be normal. “It just depends what type of pain you can take,” says another counselor.
A “50 Shades of Safe” workshop for teen sex educators hosted by a New York clinic last year purported to explain “the link between BDSM (Bondage, Discipline/Domination, Sadism/Submission, Masochism) and the sexual behaviors of young adults and/or teenagers,” and to train educators to help teens recognize “how a successful BDSM relationship is navigated between partners.”
The Personal Responsibility Education Program, funded under an Obamacare amendment to the Social Security Act, “is the first state-grant program from the federal government that funds comprehensive sex education,” according to Planned Parenthood’s website.
Hello “War on Women?” I’m listening for NOW, The View, Ellen DeGeneres, Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to chime in — chirping. Can’t imagine anyone wouldn’t agree this is unconscionable and unacceptable, but then again, I understand liberal progressive hypocrisy.
So, this is a good use of American taxpayer dollars, right?



Saturday, May 31, 2014 at 10 PM ET/PT

media clip

Girl Model

Exposes the exploitation of pre-pubescent Russian girls recruited for the hungry Japanese modeling industry. 13-year-olds like Nadya dream of a lucrative payday for their poor families but discover their new Tokyo life is anything but glamorous.
Episode only available within Canada for a limited time after broadcast. Video help?
Video content expires in 13 days

Girl Model exposes the shocking supply of pre-pubescent girls to the Japanese modeling industry. The film follows 13-year-old Nadya from poverty in Siberia to her life as a model in Tokyo. American scout Ashley promises her a lucrative career, but Nadya’s optimism fades when faced with the dehumanizing culture of the industry.

Photo Credit: Meghan Brosnan
Despite a lack of obvious similarities between Siberia and Tokyo, a thriving model industry connects these distant regions. Girl Model follows two protagonists involved in this industry: Ashley, a deeply ambivalent model scout who scours the Siberian countryside looking for fresh faces to send to the Japanese market, and one of her discoveries, Nadya, a 13-year-old plucked from her rustic home in Russia and dropped into the center of bustling Tokyo with promises of a profitable career. After Ashley’s initial discovery of Nadya, they rarely meet again, but their stories are inextricably bound. As Nadya’s optimism about rescuing her family from financial hardship grows, her dreams contrast against Ashley’s more jaded outlook about the industry’s corrosive influence. After months of fruitless casting calls, and mounting expenses we witness the frustrating reality of these young girls’ lives in Tokyo.

Photo Credit: Natasha McKittrick
As we enter further into this world, it more and more resembles a hall of mirrors, where appearances can’t be trusted, perceptions become distorted and there is no clear way out. Will Nadya, and the other girls like her, be able to find anyone to help them navigate the often murky world of the modeling industry? Will they follow a path like Ashley’s, having learned the tricks of the trade but unable to escape its lure? In an effort to pay off their mounting debt will they do as some of their predecessors and resort to prostitution? Or will they head back home, their dreams crushed? Indeed, it’s difficult to know who these young girls can trust and where the industry will take them.
Directed and produced by David Redmon and Ashley Sabin. Girl Model was produced in association with CBC News Network, POV in the U.S., and BBC Storyville in the U.K.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Jimmy Carter murder infant girls-and-sex-selection-abortion far worse holocaust

SEE The Video

Television history was made last night when a guest on "Late Show with David Letterman," for quite possibly the first and last time, used the words "murdered" and "aborted" in the same sentence.

The person doing the talking was former president Jimmy Carter, who's making the rounds to plug his new book, "A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence and Power."   
Jimmy Carter: Murder of infant girls and sex-selection abortion far worse than the Holocaust
Any conservative saying what Carter said, which was profoundly disturbing, would be immediately condemned by the left as an extremist --
LETTERMAN: Things are contained in this book that I was completely ignorant about and am stunned by what I know of what is covered here. What, what is the source of this, the abuse of women, essential slavery, human trafficking, on and on?

CARTER: Well, it's the worst human rights abuse on earth and it's basically unaddressed. I'll start with the worst statistic that I know and that is that 160 million girls are now missing from the face of the earth because they were murdered at birth by their parents or either selectively aborted when their parents find out that the fetus is a girl. So that many people are missing and they're all girls who are missing.

LETTERMAN: And how many countries are represented in this?

CARTER: A good many countries are. I don't know how many parents in America would rather have a boy than a girl, that they're very poor and feel they can't support children. But in about 15 years ago there was an accurate assessment in China and 50 million were already missing there because the Chinese government had mandated one-is-best, two-is-most (limiting family size), and then India has had the same problem with them, and in many other countries as well. So now, for instance in China and India and South Korea and some other countries, young men can't find brides to marry, so they buy brides and that increases the amount of slavery that exists on earth.
The slave trade now is much greater ("greater"? How about "worse"?) than it ever was in the 19th century. It amounts to about $32 billion a year and the United States State Department is required by law now to assess the slavery market and they estimate that 800,000 slaves are sold across international borders every year. And 80 percent of those slaves sold are young girls who are going, who are being sold into the sex slave, slavery. And this occurs, about 100,000 of them are in the United States, not sold across international borders. Atlanta is a key of the human trafficking or slavery trade.
During his "Morning Joe" appearance on Monday, Carter went even further, stating that the 160 million "missing" girls murdered through infanticide and sex-selection abortion far exceeds the death toll of the Holocaust -- more fighting words to liberals had they come from a conservative.

Letterman, predictably, kept his questions limited to slavery and human trafficking and never revisited Carter's claim that sex-selection abortion contributes to the enormity of this current-day holocaust -- despite Letterman specifically asking about "the source" of this terrible abuse. At the very least, sex-selection abortion must be seen as one of the sources.

Then again, how could Letterman ask about this, since doing so risks derailing a dominant liberal meme, that of the so-called war on women. What Jimmy Carter is describing is an actual war on women and girls, the real thing, global in scope and incomprehensible in its staggering losses. What liberals call the war on women is a phony war, one they allege is raging whenever a conservative questions the Solomonic wisdom of mandating "free" contraception.

In yet another example of its affinity for the obscene, the left would rather wage their phony war than an actual one worth fighting;
hence their opposition to efforts in Congress to ban sex-selection abortions.
For Carter to describe all these girls as "missing," however, is a curious euphemism since the word implies that a person whose whereabouts aren't known might be alive. Such is not the case after abortion and murder, both of which are rendered with unforgiving finality.

Here's where I part company on this with the former president: those tens of millions of unborn boys who've been aborted -- they're among the missing, too.

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